The Supreme Court’s glass house

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Once upon a time, there lived five wanna-be kings. These kings were cold creatures, all with superiority complexes. They were power-hungry and saw themselves as righteous rulers, ruling over women’s bodies and Presidential immunity, among other things.

For awhile, the glass house existed peacefully, with the five not-so-gentle men, who were content to be hidden away, rarely coming out of their glass house to mingle with lesser humans than they perceived themselves to be.

That went on for a good long time. The renters, for that’s what they were, were smugly satisfied. But alas! All good things must come to an end. Their landlord Joe Biden announced it was time to pack up and move the hell out. As you may have heard, friends and readers, President Biden is about to announce some pretty big proposals regarding the lowest court in the land.

ETHICS CODE. Yes, Biden wants an enforceable ethics code for the court. If we win, chances are we can get one. Proposals to establish term limits. I like this one! How lovely this would be, were it to happen. But if Biden is reelected, which he will be, there is a strong chance that it will happen.

Biden is also considering trying for a constitutional amendment to eliminate Presidential immunity. That’s why we ALSO need the House and the Senate. Look– now might be an excellent time to CALL The White House, to tweet at President Biden, letting him know you’re on board.

After all, we, the people, have a say. And if Biden intends to do this — and by all accounts, he does– he could use the support of voters — us. So let’s show him that support by telling him how happy we are that the renters in this glass house may soon have to answer to the actual owners of the house — the American people. Donate

The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!