The Supreme Court is stumped

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There is news about the Extreme Court. It seems just yesterday that Roe was still firmly in place. It seems only a fortnight ago when a mysterious leak happened, releasing a preliminary decision of the most extreme court in the land to overturn Roe.

The Justices were scarlet with rage. Several of them gave thunderous talks about how much they’d been “betrayed” and how eager they were to find the person responsible for this most terrible crime of letting the American people know what scoundrels sit on the court.

And now they’ve admitted they’re — stumped. Stumped. Confuddled. Baffled. Disconcerted. And probably very mortified. The have announced they have not been able to find the leaker. They say the person who leaked the Alito preliminary opinion is still not identified.

Reportedly the probe to find this person was massive and involved speaking with dozens upon dozens of employees. But Alas! The court was “unable to identify a person responsible by a preponderance of the evidence.”

How outraged the court must be now. How embarrassing to have to admit defeat. Of course, this does not mean the case is closed. But I doubt they will ever find the person. There are several reasons for that.

One is that whoever leaked likely ensured all roads would not lead back to them. They must have been quite clever about it. The other possible reason is that the court already knows who did it. This is merely my opinion. But if it was found to be an extreme court justice themselves — would they ever admit that to anyone?

Now no evidence has surfaced saying it WAS one of their own. But given what we know about the court’s hypocrisy, it would not be shocking. But in the meantime, this is a significant loss for the court and yet another reason they have egg on their face.

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