The red state tipping point

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The great library of Alexandria, Egypt, was known as one of the best and longest-lasting libraries of the ancient world. This library contained priceless amounts of scrolls. At its height of popularity, this library had as many as 400,000.

The great library was an essential foundation for knowledge and intellectualism. It was part of the core of Royal Egypt. Much of this library burned during Julius Caesar’s civil war in 48 BC. As you can see, the library remains famous even today.

That fire was a tragedy. But what the GOP is doing to our great libraries of today is no less a tragedy. “Straight out of a dystopian novel.” That’s what A Missouri Democrat said. You see, it’s not just about banning books anymore. Oh no. It’s worse than that.

It’s about defunding them. That’s the goal of many Republicans in states like Missouri. And this is essential information to know. Because republicans, just as is the case with guns and abortion, are going over the edge.

Think about it. There is a common denominator in ALL of these subjects. Abortion. Guns. Books. That is the tipping point. Right now, Republicans have reached their tipping point. That is when a series of tiny itsy-bitsy incidents become large enough to set up a severe and major change.

Let’s think about abortion. First, it was Roe. Now it’s interstate travel. And the abortion pill. The same thing is happening with libraries. First, it was just a few books the GOP wanted to ban.

That list expanded. I wrote an article recently and gave you some of the names of such books. Now they have moved on to defunding libraries. The tipping point has arrived — for Republicans.

And now they’re getting bolder and bolder and more audacious at the changes they want to make. When will they be happy? What would satisfy them? I do not believe anything would. I foresee no time when Republicans would turn to each other and say: “well, we got what we wanted. All done here.”

Their Maga base will always be angry about something. Anger is their prime — their only motivator. So they will keep on keeping on, trying to ban this, ban that, raging about this, angry about that, yelling and destroying.

They want everything banned that isn’t signed, sealed, and Maga approved. And they will keep on going with that hate. It’s why they must lose each and EVERY election they try to win. Their politics have burned to the ground, and in its place is nothing more than the rage of the insane. It’s up to us to stop them.

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