The Palmer Report community has now helped raise $237,000 for Democratic candidates in competitive races

So far this week the Palmer Report community (working with fundraising guru Charles Gaba) has helped raise more than $194,900 through ActBlue for the Democratic candidates in the twenty most competitive House races. We’ve also raised more than $35,175 for the Democratic candidates in competitive state legislature races in places like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. We’ve also raised more than $7,300 for the Democrats in the most competitive Senate races. In total we’ve helped raise over $237,000 for Democratic candidates โ in under three weeks. Let’s keep it going!
We’re also separately fundraising for Palmer Report’s ongoing monthly operating expenses. We have a large monthly web hosting bill. We pay for things like push notification services. We pay our team members, including our researchers and editors. It adds up to several thousand dollars a month. Help us reach our goal: Donate now.
Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report