The media just gave Donald Trump his Christmas present

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

Donald Trump’s babysitters have successfully baited the major media outlets into talking about how he’s supposedly going to seize foreign land (and thus how powerful he’s going to be), instead of talking about how weak his his cabinet and budget failures are making him. As always, the media is complicit.

Trump II is shaping up to be the weakest and most inept absentee presidency of all time, from a guy who’s senile and in hiding. Yet the media is eagerly going along with fiction about how strong he is. Anything for ratings.

The problem for the media is that Trump II is going to be boring. The media got what it wanted but no one is interested anymore. No one’s tuning in. So the minute Trump’s babysitters put some words in his mouth about seizing foreign lands, the media said “okay we can work with THIS for ratings.”

Of course for this to work, the media has to ignore the fact that Trump is obviously senile, has symptoms consistent with advanced dementia, and is mostly hidden from public. Just like the media ignored all of that during the election.

This is why I say that it comes down to us. It truly does. While the media is busy playing footsie with Trump and his agenda, we have to be the ones to get the real messaging out there. Trump’s advanced dementia symptoms are enough to neuter him politically if we can just make it the story. So let’s make it the story.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer