The imaginary people of the right wing

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Have you noticed that this country is swarming with imaginary people? These people have no names. They’re sort of a nameless and faceless mob. And they exist solely to cause problems for the Republican right. The sins of these strangers are many. Some of them include the following:

Spying on people who own guns as they plot how to take the guns from all who love them.

Attempting to turn children into cats and to “indoctrinate” them by teaching critical race theory to five and six-year-olds.

Pushing little children to read “pornography.”

Coming for the gas stoves of everyone in the country.

Hating white people — ALL white people.

Wanting to not work and demanding everything be given to them for free.

defunding the police.

Using Covid masks as political leverage.

Having abortions at nine months.

Letting criminals run rampant all over city streets.

Yes, this merry band of strangers poses a dire threat to humanity — the direst threat ever, perhaps. Of course, these imaginary strangers do not exist. They are always referred to as “they’re.” I’ve written about “They’re” before. But we must keep an eye on “they’re.” These imaginary figures are the only way left for Republicans to win elections.

It’s true. They’ve repulsed most of the moderate voters. And to get them back, the GOP is using imaginary strangers more frequently than usual. Imaginary strangers are the biggest threat in the world, according to the GOP!

They should inspire terror in people. They exist to take things from the GOP, to lie and to steal, and to create mayhem. The fact that these people have never been born and do not exist is a pesky little problem the GOP ignores.

But there are so many out there who have bought not the myth of imaginary people. These voters are going to require us to educate them about the ruling-by-fear method of the GOP. There is nothing I’d like better than to expose the myth of imaginary people and put it out to pasture for good.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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