The growing media double standard in this election

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

What if you were working somewhere where there were two other employees? One of these employees was great! A genius, this person consistently turned in work of the highest quality, went above and beyond, and was, in general, everybody’s dream employee. Yet they received no raise — not at any time during their six years there! Imagine that!

Then there’s the other employee. A lazy and bitter employee, this person rarely showed up for work and, when they did, never gave it their all. They were known for leaving early with not even half of their workload finished. And they gossipedโ€”about their boss and everything. This employee receives raises every year. Please take a good look at this scenario because it’s happening as I write these words.

“Two standards.” Ah yes, those words spoken by Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe fame reveal the truth. There are two standards for Trump and Harris. Harris is that quality worker. Trump is the lazy one who rarely shows up for anything. Yet the media consistently rewards him while trying to diminish Harris, and many, including Morning Joe, see it clearly.

They see the hypocrisy. Joe spoke with the Washington Post about it all. “You’ve got Kamala Harris, and they’re going, oh wait. What is the long-term impact of this, and why hasn’t she called about the next round of qualitative easing?”

“While trump burps and everyone laughs and goes, Oh Man, he tells it like it is.” It is a stunning realization to realize once and for all that our media has failed us, but this writer can come to no other conclusion. It’s not just for ratings. A knowledgeable Palmer Report reader has been saying for a long time that most of the media is in the tank for Trump, and this writer agrees. There is no other explanation.

When Harris gave her interview the other day to an MSNBC host, reporters groaned and moaned, and many accused her of playing it safe.” Oh, really? Like Donald Trump, who only interviews with media like Fox and Newsmax? Somehow, that usually doesn’t get mentioned. I’ve seen some reporter’s eyes light up when reporting on ANY bad poll for Kamala. I’ve seen the same reporters question the validity of polls showing Harris ahead.

The media is longing. They’re wistfully longing to knock Harris down a peg or two — or three or four. They’re eyes — you can see it all in their eyes. They come alive when talking about Trump. There is a lilt in their voices. That’s not to say they ALL do this, but enough of them do. Lyin eyes. The media has lying eyes, and it’s time we all said it out loud.

Hey, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.