The GOP’s worst nightmare

The Republicans’ worst nightmare is coming true. It’s happening right before their very eyes, and they’re helpless to stop it. This nightmare concerns Donald Trump, of course. Is there any Republican nightmare in which Donald Trump does not have the starring role?
Only this nightmare is tricky for the GOP to worm their way out of. It concerns QAnon. For years Republicans have pretended not to see the insidious cult they helped create standing before them. When asked about QAnon, virtually all republicans assumed facial masks of carefully choreographed befuddlement.
QAnon? they asked stupidly. What is that? I don’t know of any QAnon. And if a few of them admitted to knowing who the group was, they indignantly denied being part of it.
I don’t blame Republicans for wanting to distance themselves. This group is a walking train wreck, and nobody in their right mind would ever want to be associated with it. But Donald Trump does. Remember — I said nobody in their RIGHT mind.
Donnie dear is now openly embracing some of the QAnon ideas. On Tuesday, Trump happily posted to Truth Social — or reposted, I should say. The repost? An image of himself, of course — wearing a Q pin with the words “The storm is coming.”
Uh-oh. The storm is coming, alright, but I doubt it’s the one to which Trump and his cronies are referring. “The storm” in Q speak refers to Trump’s final victory. That ain’t happening. He has also been posting many a Qanon post. His attitude seems to be — I welcome you.
And this is causing Republicans a bit of a headache. Because now, many of them will indeed be asked if they endorse Q. Can you even imagine? What will the GOP say? They cannot possibly say yes. But they can’t EVER piss off off their master. Bad things could happen to them if they did, like a nasty Truth Social post or something.
I imagine it can’t be fun to be a Republican right now. They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. There really is no way out on this issue; a problem caused once again by their beloved messiah Donald Trump.
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