The foretelling of Donald Trump

The foretelling of Donald Trump — of where he’d end up — was told years ago. It was told by many who followed politics and knew Trump would never be able to commit the sins that he did and come out of it unscathed. It was told by Michael Cohen, who knew Trump better than almost anyone. It was told by Bill Palmer. And now we see the prognostication coming true. Everywhere we turn, we see it.
Every day now, we see more evidence of an indictment coming. We see more and more pundits, who refused to admit the truth at first, now saying they expect an indictment. And we see Donald John Trump losing his mind.
Sanity and Trump were never close companions but now, Donald Trump is becoming even more unhinged, more suspicious, and more out of control as the punishment moves closer. And he’s been reduced to a lonely and bitter person, unwanted and unloved, forced to accept the paltry love of his few followers on truth social, whom he keeps retweeting in a vain attempt to convince (himself?) that he is loved and adored.
And Trump has begun lashing out at his own people. One of these people is John Durham. Durham, as you know, is the Special Counsel appointed by Trump to find evidence of deep-state conspiracies. Durham found nothing, and his whole investigation was one big failure.
In a rambling diatribe, Trump blamed this on judicial “bias.” So yes, the foretelling started long ago by intelligent people who recognized the sociopathy of this one man. As we move forward — without Donald Trump — to make this nation even better — we take solace in knowing the monster has been defanged, reduced to a sliver of himself, alone, abandoned, and waiting for the chains that will inevitably surround him.
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