The five point plan for taking charge and fixing all of this

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

We’ve already finished off Donald Trump, but his illegitimate Supreme Court appointees are seeking revenge by trying to dismantle our most basic rights. You’re outraged. You’re terrified. You’re motivated. But you’re not sure how we move forward from here. So here’s how we fix this:

1) Try to win the five most flippable Senate seats: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina

2) Defend the four most vulnerable Democratic Senate seats: Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, and Nevada

3) Expand the Democratic Senate majority to 52 seats, making corrupt senators Manchin and Sinema irrelevant

4) Keep the House as well

5) Do anything we want after that

Easy? No. Straightforward? Yes. Doable? YES. The republicans are doing everything they can to lose the midterms. It’ll be competitive, and competitive races are always decided by which side puts in the most work.

Sign up to support the Democrats in the nine key Senate races:

Pennsylvania โ€“ Ohio โ€“ Florida โ€“ North Carolina โ€“ Wisconsin โ€“ Arizona โ€“ Georgia โ€“ New Hampshire โ€“ Nevada

Again, these are the five seats we have a good shot at flipping, and the four seats we have to keep the Republicans from flipping. Defending a vulnerable existing seat isn’t as exciting as flipping a seat, but mathematically it’s just as important.

The three ways you can get involved:

1) If you have money, donate.

2) If you have time, volunteer.

(You can do both these things even if you don’t live in that state)

3) If you don’t have time or money to give, then share and retweet the campaign links so others will see them.

There are far more Senate races this year than just these nine. But most analysts who have studied this, including me, believe that these are the nine competitive races that matter. The other races are, for now, either solid D or solid R. If that changes later, we’ll all say so.

Then there’s the House, which is trickier both because there are more than 400 races to begin with, and because it takes longer to figure out which ones will be competitive. But 90% of House races will NOT be competitive. Solid D or solid R (you can’t magically change this).

So out of 400-plus House races, it’ll come down to maybe a few dozen of them that’ll actually decide the House majority. You can focus on those few dozen key House races, and keep the majority. Or you can waste your resources on House races that literally cannot be won.

You’re looking for House races that are projected as “toss ups” โ€“ and if you can’t find enough of those to throw your weight behind, add some races that are currently projected as “lean D” or “lean R.”

The BIGGEST MISTAKE you can make is to start with the House Republicans you hate most, and throw your resources behind their Democratic opponents. The worst House Republicans tend to behave like they do because they’re in deep red districts where the Democrat can’t win anyway.

You are not going to flip a House seat in a district where 70% of the population is Republican to begin with. You’re just not. We could all invest every bit of our time and money into such races, and we’d still lose. Please do not get sucked into these unwinnable feel-good races.

You also have to tune out the media when it starts hyping certain non-competitive midterm races, simply because it sees a ratings opportunity. The media sucked us all into supporting three basically unwinnable senate races in 2020, and we’re still paying for that mistake.

You also want to make sure your money is going to the right place. Donate directly to a candidate, through their official website or their ActBlue page. Make sure you’re not accidentally donating to some PAC you’ve never heard of, that might take a huge cut of its own.

If you’re not sure how to safely donate to a candidate, start with their official website and click on the donate button.

These links (with the exception of Wisconsin, where the primary is still ongoing) are all directly to the candidate’s official website:

Pennsylvania โ€“ Ohio โ€“ Florida โ€“ North Carolina โ€“ Wisconsin โ€“ Arizona โ€“ Georgia โ€“ New Hampshire โ€“ Nevada

There are also highly competitive races for Governor and state-level Attorney General, which will matter greatly in terms of restoring the rights that the right wing loons are trying to take away. That also goes for state legislature races, which are obscure and oft-ignored, where a small donation can go a long way.

We’ll present more information on the competitive House races, along with Governor and state legislature races, as we go. For now, dive in on one or more of the nine competitive Senate races. Sign up on all nine of their websites, and donate or volunteer as much as you can.

Again, if you don’t have money or volunteer hours to give to candidates, you can just give them your social media clout by sharing or retweeting links to their donate and volunteer pages. Even if you only have 52 Twitter followers or 37 Facebook friends, three of them might see your post and act on it. That’s enough to make a difference.

No one needs to tell you how legendarily crucial these midterms are. You already desperately want to win. The above is at least a starter guide on how to help make that happen. The below links connect you to the Democrats running in the nine key Senate races. You have your assignment. Now do your part, big or small. Just do it. Do it now:

Pennsylvania โ€“ Ohio โ€“ Florida โ€“ North Carolina โ€“ Wisconsin โ€“ Arizona โ€“ Georgia โ€“ New Hampshire โ€“ Nevada

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.