The check is not in the mail

The check is in the mail. Well — no it probably isn’t. At least where Donald Trump is concerned. The orange one is quite notorious for not paying his bills. This is because he doesn’t care if people who work hard receive fair pay — or any pay at all.
In Donald’s mind, there is only him — he sees reflections — of himself – everywhere he turns. And the mirror does not allow him the reflections of others. So it is no surprise really that some people are pretty pissed at Mr. Trump. The man has piles of unpaid bills, and the check is most definitely NOT coming anytime soon — or possibly ever.
This might be why City council members in the state of Tennessee have had enough. The Donald is set to visit the city of Memphis next month. And the Memphis City council members — some of them — want the Government to deny Trump police escorts. They point to Trump’s past as “a deadbeat who has stiffed local governments after using local police resources.”
One of the members of this Council spoke to a local affiliate of NBC and explained why he thinks Trump should be denied an escort. “He’s notorious for not paying,” Martavius Jones explained. “There are huge expenses. And these expenditures are not being reimbursed by the Trump campaign or the Trump organization.”
Of course, they’re not. And this should be expected. Trump doesn’t care about other people’s money. Other peoples’ money is an irritant to the lord of the lies. It is his own money that he worries about. According to the Center for Public Integrity, the amount of cash Trump owes is close to two million.
This is not just in Tennessee. Towns and cities where he held rallies have not been reimbursed. All over the country, Trump’s being followed, shadowed by a trail of green — green debt. These bills are adding up. Money does not grow on trees for most of these people, and they’re right in being pissed.
Let this be a warning to future cities that might be called upon by the failed Trump regime to host the monster. Host him if you want but be aware — the check is not in the mail and likely never will be.
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