The bad news keeps coming for JD Vance

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The bad news keeps on coming for cat hater JD Vance. His cup runneth over — with humiliation. From The Washington Post: “JD Vance: People with children should get extra votes.” This is no joke. Vance suggested that all people with children be allowed to cast extra votes — on behalf of said children.

He also suggested it’d be an excellent way of getting Americans to have more babies. “When you go to the polls in this country as a parent you should have more power.” Really? “If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice.”

I have a few things to say. The first one is — who appointed this lickspittle judge and jury over peoples’ personal lives? Vance, at one time, also explained that women who were physically abused should probably stay in dysfunctional marriages for the sake of the children.

I would like to exercise my right, as a free American, to RESPOND to this piece of human trash, to TELL him what perhaps many are thinking:

Dear Monster: JD. You have about as much depth as a stopped-up pilot. Your views are archaic and hateful. l. You do remind me of one of those woman-hating online trolls. You have yet to learn and have no PERCEPTION of today’s world. You also do not seem to see women as human beings.

We are not baby machines, Vance, no matter how fervently you wish we were. We could not care less what you think. We recognize you for the misogynist that you are. JD, you are hated. You are the most unpopular VP pick in years. Nobody wants you, likely not even the one who picked you. You’re a joke, and you should be aware of that fact.

America was an idea, a vision, created but not just for you, JD. You are not the only resident of the United States. Now you can whine about that, cuss out women without children, wail about your “manliness” is under attack, and try earnestly to bring the Handmaid ‘s tale to America, but you will never succeed. Why?

Because you’re a turd, you are a human turd with no understanding of women or people in general. You are also obsessed with babies. If you so eagerly want to live in a dictatorship, I hear North Korea’s open. So is Russia.

The reason, JD, that so many articles about you are coming out is because you’re insane, abnormal, pathetic, and a whiny, petulant lickspittle of a little boy who can’t stop making stupid remarks AND is too stupid to KNOW you are making silly remarks. So JD? From all the cat lovers, all the women, all the childless, and all the sane — get lost. Please. We will not miss you.

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