That toothpaste isn’t going back in the tube

The closely guarded secret the Trump campaign had, with desperation, tried to keep secret is now spilled milk, flooding the zone, and nothing, it seems, can stop the overflow. The overflow is Donald Trump’s cognitive decline.
Oh, they tried! The Trump team tried so very hard to keep this under the radar, to keep Pandora’s box from opening, as all that opening would really do is release the insanity, senility, lunacy, and empty vapor that is Donald Trump’s ‘s brain.
But sadly for the Trump team, the gig is up. Pandora’s box has been opened, and now the world can see that the Republican presumptive nominee for President is a stark-raving madman. Everyone is commenting. This week, it’s morning Joe.
“OFF HIS ROCKER!” Ah, Joe, so very true, so very true. Morning Joe voiced his astonishment that Fox non-news actually CUT THE MADMAN OFF MID-SENTENCE as he rambled incoherently about shampoo and water lather pressure.
“They had to cut away,” Joe Scarborough said as he was overcome by laughter.
Brzezinski chimed in: “What do you talk about with that?”
“Drip, drip, drip?”
“Green hair.”
They also remarked on Trump’s batshit crazy diatribe last week about electricity and shark attacks. Now readers, you know as well as I do that shampoo lather is not a campaign issue. It might be something that hairdressers like to discuss. It might be a hot topic of conversation in barber shops. But a presidential campaign topic?
Sharks too, are not a presidential issue; they are better left to Marine biologists and scuba divers. But Trump’s brain, out of its Pandora’s box and happily bouncing this way and that way, certainly does not seem aware that he sounds like a demented idiot.
I can’t wait until Thursday. What do YOU think will be Trump’s hot topic of the night? Hannibal Lecter and cannibalism? Whether Hollywood should they do a remake of Jaws? Which shampoo is best for bringing out orange highlights? All of the above? It certainly will be soon that we find out.
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