Ted Lieu rips Madison Cawthorn a new one

Of all the extremist and unqualified new Republicans in the House this year, Madison Cawthorn is one of the most scandal-plagued and odious. Now that the House has taken up overwhelmingly popular common sense gun legislation, Cawthorn is disingenuously grandstanding.
Cawthorn fell back on the familiar childlike (and inherently bloodthirsty) Republican rhetoric on guns when he said this from the House floor this week: “You want my guns, I know it, we all know it. Well, Mr. Speaker, you can come and take them.” It’s not clear why he appeared to be referring to Nancy Pelosi as “Mr. Speaker” but we digress.
Let’s just say that Congressman Ted Lieu wasn’t having it. He fired back on Twitter with this retort: “Dear Rep. Cawthorn: We donโt want your guns. We just donโt want you to bring them on the House Floor. I have 2 Air Force marksmanship ribbons. You lied about getting into the Naval Academy. Stop your tough guy act and promoting conflict. Weโve had enough violence in the Capitol.”