Swords and wrestling belts?

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And on and on the paper trail goes. More classified documents have been discovered in the possession of one Donald John Trump, leaving people stunned and asking: “how many more?”

These classified documents were discovered in a storage facility in West Palm Beach, Florida, cozily not far from Mar-a-Lago. The Washington Post, which broke the story, had this to say: “Emails show that GSA (the federal General Services Administration) and Trump staffers worked together to arrange to ship several pallets of boxes and other items weighing more than 3,000 points from northern Virginia t{o the Florida storage unit in September 2021.”

Is there no end to the paper trail? Just how many documents did this traitor steal anyway? And where might the next batch — of there IS one – be found? What’s also stunning is that else was in the storage unit:


Wrestling belts

And of course – classified documents.

Some legal scholars appeared in a state of shock.

Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade was one of them.

“Are you kidding me?” she said on Twitter with disbelief. “How many more classified documents does he have?” It’s a good question. And the only one who really knows is Mr. Paper thief himself. And given that he’s a pathological liar, why would anyone take his word for it?

On social media, people were left stunned:

“Good lord.”

“How many more?”

“The guy’s a psycho.”

‘They’re spread out all over the world.”

“Where wasn’t he hiding documents?”

“Jack Smith, are you listening?”


The Trump news doesn’t end. None of it is good for him. All of it is sucks for him. And we wait to see where and when more documents are discovered.

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