Susan Collins is the devil

What in the world has made the great people of Maine vote over and over again for Susan Collins Susan Collins announced on Monday she was throwing her support behind Tulsi Gabbard to be confirmed. She did a play-by-play of exactly what happened with the Kavanaugh nomination.
Here is why this writer believes she did it. She had to. They needed her vote, nothing more, nothing less. Susan Collins is easier to read than the alphabet. She is worse than some of those other senators like Ted Cruz. Why? Itโs because she pretends that her shit doesnโt stink. Sorry for the crudity, but it happens to be true.
Let’s look at the Senator from Maine. Over the years, Susan Collins has raked up many bad policy votes, as well as many “Iโm so concerned, but I wonโt do diddly squat” votes. Those are her favorite kinds of votes, in case you didnโt know, but I have a feeling you do know.
Collins MUST — MUST — know how awful a candidate Tulsi Gabbard is. But it seems “party over country” is especially true in her case. This label of Collins being a moderate is pure poppycock. What she is, is a Republican wolf in fake concern clothes.
Itโs never too early to start preparing. We have to got to oust Miss Concerned if she runs in the midterms. We have got to get a good, solid Democrat in there. I’ll tell you, I am going to be on this Maine race, with the ferocity of a puma cat and I suggest you join me on this wild ride. We need to get Collins out of there once and for all.