Susan Collins is concerned

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We seem to have a new issue that has popped up in this crazy thing we call politics. It is a crucial issue few have heard about, but it just may change everything! Brace yourselves! Susan Collins is concerned.

I’m sorry, readers. I could not resist. Well, they do go together, don’t they? Like Republicans and corruption, Palmer Report readers and intelligence, Matt Gaetz and hair gel, Collins and concern just sort of flow together.

So the Mainer, with the perpetually furrowed brow, was enjoying herself at the gym when, per, Politico, her phone rang. Who could it be now? Not your average everyday caller, this for sure. The person on the other end of the phone line was the duchess of Sussex herself — Meghan Markle.

So, just what did Markle want with Susan Collins? Well, it turns out that Meghan is a passionate fan of paid family leave. And she wants to get involved in the fight. So, she has been busy calling certain Senators to advocate on behalf of this important issue.

And she did. Introducing herself to Collins as the duchess of Sussex, Markle did have a conversation with Collins. Only Collins seems bewildered that Markle used her title in the introduction. Collins also said she is “more interested in what the people of Maine are telling me about it.”

Really Suzy? Because I’ve got to say — in preparation for writing this article, I went on your Twitter feed, and the people of Maine are making themselves loud and clear. They want paid family leave.

Of course, Susan perhaps may pretend she does not know that. But Meghan Markle is not just calling Collins. Reportedly she has already reached out to and spoken with West Virginia’s Senator Shelley Moore Capito. She got their numbers from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.

No doubt, there will be more calls to various politicians from Markle. And that is just fine with me. It is great seeing the duchess so fired up. There has been talk for a long time of her someday running for office herself, and that would indeed be great.

In the meantime, the brow of Collins remains furrowed as her constituents continue to clamor for her to wipe away the “concern” and actually do something to help them.

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