Staring in the face of total irrelevance

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Have you ever been stuck? I ask that because many people are stuck doing work โ€“ stuck in careers they do not love or even like that much.

Studies have shown that the average person will have 6 to 8 different careers. That’s a lot of jobs. In the employment arena, there are few things worse than waking up with a dull pounding in your head and aching in your gut because you know you’re going to do something, to do work that your heart is not in.

According to many reports, this is happening within the walls of CNN.

Many of the anchors there are said to be at wit’s end, and some of the writers are said to be embarrassed, even having their names associated with CNN.

That’s because CNN has worsened in the last year or so. They have taken pains getting rid of all the quality individuals and fiercely holding onto the sycophants. With Jim Acosta departing, moral is low, and anger is the sticky sticking point, as many are said to be infuriated that the network seems to be sliding right again.

Reportedly many are resentful that Scott Jennings, who is one of the biggest Trump suck-ups this writer has ever seen is getting more and more and more airtime.

Being paid to destroy liberal talking points.

There is nothing wrong with having a Republican on television, but Scott gives new meaning to the words, Partisan hack. He seems to say anything and everything that comes to mind, and sometimes, his responses are just outlandish.

If you follow my work on Palmer Report, you know I’ve often written about CNN. You also might have gotten the idea that I wanted them to fail, and nothing could be further from the truth.

I hope for success. We have few television networks that we can depend on, and CNN used to be one of them. I have tried to give them a fair shake, but they don’t seem to be doing anything to help themselves, and on the contrary, they are getting worse and worse.

They can’t find or don’t want to see anybody with the vision necessary to allow creativity to hum in the halls of this network. It would take effort and an innovative mind, and while I’m sure there are people out there, CNN doesn’t seem to be able to find anyone to pass the ball to.

In the meantime, seeing the misery that is clear on some of the faces of these people, and hearing these reports makes me think that it’s just going to keep getting worse, not better, for CNN. Unless something happens soon, they will continue on their path to being utterly irrelevant.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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