Something has gone very wrong with Herschel Walker

Have you ever been lied to? Why do people lie? There are a myriad of reasons. Each lie is different, as is the liar who tells them. But there is a special type of liar. This is the liar who simply lies — because they can.
These liars lie so often and so regularly that I imagine it must be difficult for them to keep a running tally of all the lies they tell. The sun rises — they lie. Twilight appears — they lie.
Midnight arrives in all its musky softness. The lies continue. This type of liar comes in the person of one Donald Trump — AND Georgia Republican Senatorial candidate Herschel Walker. Walker has been caught in so many lies that it’s actually gotten a bit embarrassing. His lies are awful, they’re fairly easy to spot, yet he cannot seem to stop doing it — lying, I mean.
And now it’s happened again. Walker has claimed he was once an FBI agent. Walker isn’t the first to use this excuse. Working at the FBI must be exciting because I’ve seen others who tried to live this lie. Once many years ago, I had a date with a gentleman who tried telling this lie. It was a first date — and a last.
But Walker really needs to put a lid on it. His lies are spreading out, over the hills and far away. Can he distinguish reality from his lies? That remains to be seen. Recently Walker bragged about his FBI prowess.
“Y’all didn’t know I was an agent?” Walker was not an agent. And that is not all. Walker was also insisting he was a cop — a police officer. Wow, really? Nope. You see, Walker said he was with the Cobb County police department, only they have no record of him ever being there. At least that’s what they told the Atalanta Journal-Constitution.
Some calling for Walker to suspend his campaign. I don’t blame them. It’s embarrassing for Georgia that, in fact, this man is running to represent them. So please, people — let’s donate, phone bank, and help Senator Raphael Warnock. We cannot allow a man like Walker — a pathological liar — to win.
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