Senator dishes on the criminal charges Donald Trump is facing

Immediately after the arrest of Roger Stone, Senator Richard Blumenthal pointed to the aspects of the Stone indictment that incriminate Donald Trump, and asserted that Trump was a mere “baby step” away from criminal charges. Last night Blumenthal dished on one of the criminal charges that Donald Trump Jr will face. Now Blumenthal is getting more specific about the charges that Donald Trump will face.

The trouble for criminal co-conspirators is that they tend to start selling each other out rather quickly once they start getting indicted. Roger Stone swore he wouldn’t flip on Donald Trump, but now that he’s been arrested and is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison, he’s suddenly talking publicly about working with Robert Mueller. But that may not even be necessary, because Stone’s “friend” Jerome Corsi is busy selling him out by the hour – and selling Trump out in the process. Senator Blumenthal seized on this opportunity.

Richard Blumenthal spelled this out on Twitter today: “last night Jerome Corsi admitted to Ari Melber that Stone urged WikiLeaks to release a tranche of hacked emails the SAME DAY as the damaging Access Hollywood tape. More evidence the Trump campaign & WikiLeaks coordinated. Criminal exposure grows for Individual-1.” In case you’ve forgotten, Individual-1 is Donald Trump. Blumenthal is spelling out that Trump is going to end up being criminally charged for directing his campaign’s conspiracy with WikiLeaks to illegally alter the outcome of the election.

Donald Trump is clearly rattled by what’s now surfacing. After Blumenthal went on MSNBC last night and revealed that Donald Trump Jr has been nailed for perjury, an unbeatable charge that nearly always lands a criminal target in prison, Trump took to Twitter and unleashed a bizarre and frantic attack on Blumenthal. But it’s clear that Blumenthal isn’t backing down.

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