Score one for Joe Biden

An amazing thing has happened. Congratulations to President Joe Biden! This past week has been a zinger. As the ever-watchful clock quietly counted down a Government shutdown, as Republicans fought among themselves, taking their orders from a psychotic little evil muskrat of a clown, the Democrats once again saved the day — and beat Donald Trump on an issue most of the media aren’t even talking about.
“Well done Joe!” President Biden has now beaten Donald Trump on Judicial confirmations, leading to many cheers from Democrats and jeers from Republicans. 235th! The Senate confirmed the President’s 235 Judicial nominations for federal judges.
“Historic!” Biden gets things done! And with this news, he has once again beaten the old smeller at the Judge game, leaving Republicans FUMING.
Ted Snooze, Cancun aficionado and incompetent Texas Senator, promptly threw a temper tantrum about this good news whining that Democrats — get this — “are willing to rubberstamp absolute zealots to be judges.”
Hahaha! Cruz, who isn’t good for much in the Senate, IS good for making this writer laughโand laughโand laugh some more.
Hey Cruz, it’s OVER. Biden, beat you guys again. While you were all tearing each other apart like a bunch of hounds, Biden quietly surpassed Trump and EVERY former president and now stands as the president who has confirmed the most judges.
“Very Consequential.”
As democrats cheer on the President’s latest achievement, republicans are — are WHAT?
Fighting. Arguing. Getting into scrimmages. It’s the fourth quarter and Republicans STILL don’t know how to govern.
What a mess they’ve made! Biden, of course, CAN govern — and confirm judges.
187 district court judges
45 appeals court judges
One Supreme Court Judge
Two international Trade Court Judges
Thanks, Biden!
As for Republicans, shriek in dismay, why not use President BIDEN and not your cult leader as an example of how to govern? Biden knows how to make things happen. All you guys know how to do is get stuck in the muck — while Democrats save your cowardly asses again and again.