Donald Trump official forced to resign after calling for immigrants to be shot

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Donald Trump still somehow has a job despite his latest blatantly racist outburst about not wanting immigrants coming from places like Haiti and African countries because they’re “shithole counties.” But even as Trump continues to try to weather the storm, it turns out a Trump administration official is being shown the door, in part over racist remarks.

Carl Higbie was a regular Trump surrogate during the election, and spent much of 2017 being rumored for one Trump administration job after another. He was eventually appointed to the obscure position of Chief of External Affairs for the Corporation for National and Community Service. As of today, he’s back to looking for a job. Higbie has resigned over recently unearthed racist remarks he made in 2013 which included a call for would-be immigrants from Mexico to be killed.

Among other racist and offensive remarks, Higbie was quoted as saying “I believe that this translates directly into the culture that is breeding this welfare and the high percentage of people on welfare in the black race. It’s a lax of morality” according to a new CNN report (link). He went on to compare Muslims to child molesters. He also called for immigrants to be murdered.

Carl Higbie told a radio show in 2013 that he’s in favor of undocumented immigrants being murdered by gun owners: “What’s so wrong with wanting to put up a fence and saying, ‘hey, everybody with a gun, if you want to go shoot people coming across our border illegally, you can do it for free.” So while Higbie is far from the first Donald Trump official to resign in disgrace, and far from the first to resign after making racist comments, he’s the first to resign after getting caught having called for immigrants to be murdered. This is, rather remarkably, the guy whom Trump put in charge of a community service agency.

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