Republicans have fallen and they can’t get up

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In the wake of the Trump indictments, I decided to visit some enemies to see how they were taking the news. Matt Gaetz — “This phony Boxes hoax indictment against president trump is the most severe election interfarence on the part of the federal government, that we’ve ever seen!” Trust Gaetz to be dramatic.

Lindsey Graham has not yet posted anything. My guess is he’s curled up in the corner weeping.

Way uncool, Junior Trump — “This is revenge from the deep state!” Let us together look at these cringe-worthy, senseless words. The people who made Junior, certainly did not choose to go high in the brains department. These words make little sense, but then again, when has Junior ever said one word that did?

Ted Cruz –“This Department of Justice is the most political we’ve ever seen.” Spare me your fake anguish, Teddy. I think it’s about time you sailed forth into the summer seas — or maybe just book another flight to Cancun.

Gym Jordan — “God Bless President Trump.” I wonder, people. Do you think there should be a law that Donald Trump and God are never allowed to be used in the same sentence?

Rand Paul — he’s too busy going on about Pat Robertson. Rand has an exceptional fondness for evil men. I imagine he’ll get to Trump.

And last and certainly least, Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Democrats must literally shake with sweats when they see amazing packed out trump rallies.”

I’ve never seen an amazing packed-out Trump rally. PACKED-OUT?? Is this a new adjective? As you can see — the enemy has sort of fallen. And they might never get back up,

Note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can kick in $5 or $25 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.