Red state chaos is spiraling out of control

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Rubies are beautiful jewels. They glitter like fire. Ruby Red is what we call Republican voters as well. And there are many states — like Arkansas and Oklahoma and West Virginia — that are as red as the flames of hell. And hell is what many of the people who live there are now going through. This is because many of the Red States seem to think fascism is In Vogue. Every day these states get just a bit more insane.

Abortion bans are the norm in these states. Now I know that many say: “Well — that’s what they voted for.” But that is partially wrong. Not all the people in these red states WANT what their leaders are doing. There are kindness, decency, and democrats in every state — even in the ruby red.

But unfortunately, there may not be that many OB-GYN’S much longer in these states. According to new data from the Association of American Medical Colleges, these red states within abortion bands have now seen over a 10 percent drop in obstetrics and gynecology applicants.

This isn’t all that surprising. Who on earth would want to be that type of Doctor in a state where you could get arrested just for trying to save a mother’s life? The association’s leader had this to say: “Everybody is saying they knew this would happen. But this is concerning.”

It IS. And there’s something we can do about it. We can vote. Codifying abortion — the right to have an abortion — is the best solution for this. I do feel bad for these people in red states that have done their part to get rid of the messiah-like leaders who make these types of laws. It’s difficult in red states, however, as you know.

This shortage of medical students choosing to go to red states or to do their residencies there will result, at some point, in a maternal care shortage. And as I wrote in another article, many doctors who are already located in some of these red states are fleeing. All of this will have deep repercussions for expectant mothers. It’s a situation we must address and soon.

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