Pete Hegseth bottoms out

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“My favorite beer. I do have a case of Corona Light in the basement right now, but that’s for obvious reasons.”

“Now, Coors Light is what I usually drink.

“I’ll tell you this, I’ve moved away from beer..”

“I’m a gin guy.”

“Gin is my poison of choice for sure.”

“Gin and soda.”

These intellectually stimulating words come from the lips of Pete News Hegseth, a name that is lighting up the internet everywhere as some old 2020 comments resurface and take off on social media faster than a Bud light truck. Views and retweets of this clip, which comes from an old Fox 2020 clip on “Friday Night Live with Pete Hegseth,” are most definitely causing a stir.

Pete Hegseth is in major denial. He is engaging in a fierce last stand to try to save his sinking nomination, but so far, he is losing this battle. First, although Trump has spoken out in the last couple of days and stressed that Hegseth still has his approval, it is important to remember that he sort of did the same for Gatezโ€”until he didn’t.

It is being reported that quite a few Republican dissenters are becoming increasingly uneasy about this pick. At the time of this writing, they aren’t budging. Adding to the beleaguered Hegseth’s problems, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal remarked that he has personally spoken to “five to 10” Republican senators who are no votes and who are waiting for the right moment to say so.

It is also being reported that Hegseth’s mother was reaching out to some senators herself. This writer feels all of this is for naught. Can I say unequally that Hegseth won’t be confirmed? Of course not. Miracles do happen.

But let’s put it this way: If Pete Hegseth was lost in a desert, waiting for a passer-by to direct him to water, he’d likely stay stranded for a long, long time.

This is because Hegseth is quickly becoming Persona non-grata. A few days ago, images appeared of Hegseth walking down the corridors of Capitol Hill, looking for Senators to talk to. One by one, he walked by various Senator offices. The doors were closed.

The doors were closed, and the owners were not at home. I will use a quote that encapsulates Hegseth’s dilemma to a tee: “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Hegseth may want this job desperately โ€” it seems to this writer like he craves it. But sometimes, we do not get what we want. Sometimes, when we see a falling star, it remains out of our grasp no matter how hard we try to chase it.

Perhaps this experience will make him stronger. He may think a little bit harder about his treatment of women, his alcohol consumption, and his hubris. This could be good for Hegseth if he uses the experience for self-analysis. If he is like other Republicans, though — I doubt such a thing will ever happen.

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