Personal story: my first day in Los Angeles

This is one of those personal stories I occasionally like to tell that has nothing to do with politics. If it’s not for you, feel free to simply skip over it. But I did have an interesting day yesterday in that I ventured outside without a cane or scooter for the first time in two months. My foot isn’t fully healed, but I’m far enough along that I’m able (and allowed) to walk a little on my own, and that was certainly enjoyable. But it was actually a t-shirt that got me thinking.
While I was out walking yesterday, pleased at how much younger I felt for not needing a cane, I saw a young lady wearing a Rage Against the Machine t-shirt. I had to smile to myself as I thought “I saw that band before you were born!” But then I remembered just how long ago the nineties was, and suddenly I didn’t feel quite so young anymore. Then I recalled my first day in Los Angeles.
It was 2007, which was somehow seventeen years ago. I arrived in town, got into my rented room, and immediately decided to venture out for the music scene. There was a MySpace sensation named MoZella (yes, there was a very brief but notable window where MySpace was driving music industry careers) who was performing at a small and dingy music club down the street. Of course the best music clubs in Los Angeles are all small and dingy, so it was a good sign that I was in for a good night.
While I was waiting for MoZella to take the stage, I looked over and realized I was standing next to Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello. I stared at him agape until he stuck out his hand and said “Hi I’m Tom.” I told him I’d just moved out here, and he said “In that case, welcome to LA!” And so it was that the guy from Rage Against The Machine was the very first person to welcome me to Los Angeles.
As those of you who live in Los Angeles know, you don’t run into public figures most days. And even when you do, you usually leave them alone, because they’re just trying to buy groceries like the rest of us. But that night back in 2007 made for one heck of an opening salvo in the Los Angeles chapter of my life. Oh, and MoZella, the artist I went there to see to begin with? She later went on to co-write Wrecking Ball for Miley Cyrus. Everyone ends up having their path.
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