Donald Trump nearly confirms the Pee Pee Tape during Fox & Friends meltdown

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For Donald Trump’s sake, it’s a good thing his buddies at Fox News cut him off when they did. Trump appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and promptly began admitting to one damaging thing after another. Eventually the hosts cut him off and ended the interview early, presumably for his own protection. That’s a shame for the rest of us, because Trump nearly confirmed the Pee Pee Tape this morning.

Trump had told then-FBI Director James Comey that he never even so much as spent the night in Moscow when he attended the Miss Universe Pageant there in 2013, which was allegedly the site of the Pee Pee Tape incident. This was already countered by the testimony of Trump’s own bodyguard Keith Schiller, who told Congress months ago that the incident couldn’t have happened because he was outside Trump’s hotel room door that night. This week the matter was definitively settled when flight records confirmed that Trump was in Moscow from Friday through early Sunday.

During his Fox & Friends appearance this morning, Trump flat out admitted that he spent the night in Moscow during the Miss Universe Pageant. In so doing, he tacitly admitted that he lied to James Comey about it. Trump also went a long way toward confirming the timeline laid out in the Pee Pee Tape allegations made in the Trump-Russia dossier.

If Donald Trump’s Fox & Friends interview had gone on another five minutes this morning, we suspect he would have ended up confessing that he slept with the Russian hookers while claiming they didn’t urinate, or something like that. Trump keeps incrementally confessing to various aspects of the Pee Pee Tape. Now he’s admitting he spent the night in Moscow, after having previously lied about it. What will he confess to next?

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