Loony bin social network Parler gets hacked

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– You know how a bunch of far-right pundits and loons have abandoned Twitter due to “censorship” issues and moved to a startup named Parler instead? It turns out Parler has apparently been hacked, and everyone’s private data has been stolen. We don’t condone this kind of thing at all. In fact whoever did this should go to prison. But it’s not surprising. Parler was only slapped together to pander to those who want to hurl racial slurs and false information all day, so of course it was constructed so poorly that hackers ripped it apart with little effort.

– It’s a fact that even as Donald Trump was trying to find a way to overturn the election, he had literally zero chance of pulling it off. It’s also a fact that Trump’s attempt at overturning the election was a criminal act and must be punished. We don’t have to debate which of these things is the real story. They’re both the real story.

– At this point even Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, Caroline Giuliani, is mocking him over the Four Seasons Total Landscaping thing. It’s not that Caroline was ever on board with what Rudy was doing; she voted for Biden. It’s just another reminder that it really is over.

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