One of Donald Trump’s all-time dumbest ideas may have been a result of misunderstanding a joke that President Obama told

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Two weeks ago, Palmer Report made a joke about Donald Trump ordering his handlers to take a bumbling Rudy Giuliani and “feed him to the alligators.” Then yesterday the New York Times reported that Trump really has been ordering his handlers to get a price estimate for a border moat that would feed would-be immigrants to the alligators.

For a minute there, we were afraid that Donald Trump was reading Palmer Report’s most darkly sarcastic condemnations of him, and taking them as a dare. Then we remembered that Trump can’t read. Really, he referred to his moat yesterday as a “Moot” and then had to delete it. But now it turns out Trump may have in fact stolen the idea from someone else who made a sarcastic remark.

Various observers online and on television pointed out last night that back in 2011, President Obama joked during a speech that Republicans are so obsessed with the border, they wanted him to build a moat โ€“ and if he gave it to them, then “they’ll want alligators in the moat.”

Considering how consistently obsessed Donald Trump has been with one-upping President Obama in every way that he can, it’s entirely possible that Trump saw the Obama footage awhile back, and thought that Obama was actually proposing a border moat filled with alligators. This guy Trump is so far gone at this point, who knows?

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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