No turning back now

I’m not going to lie, this has been a rough year for me so far personally. I started the new year sick in bed, and since then I’ve been surrounded by raging fires. It’s not the easiest thing to try to focus when you’re four blocks away from an evacuation zone. But I’m telling you, I’ve not yet begun to fight.
Donald Trump can kiss my ass. That’s as plain as I can say it. I’m here dealing with real life scenarios, as far millions of other people in my city, and Donald Trump is siting home tweeting images taunting us about the fires. If that dummy wanted to find a way to properly motivate me, he just found it. Trump is the enemy. In every way possible.
I’m telling you, we can fight and win battles against this idiot. We still have it in us. I’ve been fighting against Trump since I was in my thirties, and if Trump’s dementia doesn’t get him before the end of his term, I’ll still be fighting against Trump when I’m in my fifties. So be it. This isn’t a fight I wanted or a fight I chose. But it’s a fight I’m going to lead.
This is the part where I ask for your help. We’re going to fight Trump every step of the way. And we’re going to win as many battles as possible. But it’s going to take a bigger, stronger, more powerful Palmer Report. I need your help in making that happen. Please donate whatever your budget will allow, so we can win this fight. Donate here.