No, the Georgia election board can’t keep the 2024 presidential election from being certified

With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!

At this point everyone paying attention knows that Kamala Harris is the favorite in this election, and so the media knows it can’t scare audiences into staying tuned in by pretending Donald Trump is somehow ahead. Instead the media is moving on to trying to scare audiences into thinking that Trump is just going to magically steal the election. As always, Republican officials around the nation are eagerly playing into that media hype, because the Republicans believe that their true best shot at winning is to convince you that they’re going to win no matter what, so you’ll give up instead of putting in the work required to win.

To that end, we’ve seen a ton of doomsday hype from the media about how Nebraska Republicans were going to change their electoral vote allocation and magically throw the election to Trump. But there was never enough support within the Nebraska GOP leadership to make such a thing happen, and sure enough, the bottom fell out of the hype earlier this week.

But we’re still seeing endless doomsday hype from the media about how Georgia Republicans are going to intentionally take too long to count their state’s votes, which is then going to allow the Republican House to somehow magically hand the election to Trump. But this was never a real thing either, and now the legal experts at Lawfare are spelling out in detail why it’s not something to sit around fretting about. Their summation: “Such delays do not open up a legal loophole for Trump to overturn the election.”

So let’s move on from this kind of doomsday nonsense. Remember, the Republicans’ real goal with these magic wand ideas isn’t to steal the election. Their goal is to convince you that they’ve already somehow stolen the election, so that you’ll get dejected and you won’t bother to phone bank or knock on doors or help get people registered to vote. You’re not being “vigilant” by staring at your screens in fear over these kinds of doomsday stories. You’re being gullible, because the Republicans’ entire point is to goad you into staring at your screens in fear instead of getting out there and winning over more votes for your side. So let’s not fall for their game. The way we make sure we win is to get out there and do something.

Note from Bill Palmer: With just weeks to go in this election, Palmer Report is leading the charge in fighting and winning. We've been at this for nearly a decade. You know our track record. Help us get across the finish line: Sure I'll help!