No one is afraid of Donald Trump anymore

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– YouTube has temporarily suspended Trump’s favorite network OANN for publishing false coronavirus information. Oh look, no one is afraid of Trump anymore. He doesn’t have the muscle to protect his favorites anymore, and everyone knows it. Trump’s muscle will only continue to fade as the days go on. It’s almost hilarious that the Republican House and Senate are still largely cowering to him; it’s clear that his influence over the party will wane long before 2022 or 2024.

– Marco Rubio criticized President-elect Biden’s cabinet picks today, accusing them of being too Ivy League-based. Well okay then. This comes after Donald Trump’s top White House people largely consisted of criminals, Russian spies, oil company CEOs, and members of his own family. Rubio is, as always, a complete idiot. He’s up for reelection in 2022, and it’s crucial that we find a way to unseat him.

– President-elect Joe Biden is giving a national Thanksgiving address tomorrow, according to Forbes. How refreshing is that? Especially after Donald Trump barely showed his face today while going through the motions of pardoning a turkey. From a pure leadership angle, Biden is already President, and Trump has already quit.

– Donald Trump is still melting down tonight about how much he hates Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, to give you an idea of how poorly things are going for him at this point.

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