No more Mr. Nice Guy

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As I sit in my home, mulling things over, one word refuses to leave my head. Every time I say this word to myself, fury sparks with me. That word is: Nice.

Nice. Such a lovely word. Niceness, niceties. “Nice” conjures up smiles and warm glowing commentary. “Nice” is a word without a beginning nor an end. It brings forth thoughts of dimpled smiles, of soft voices, of effusive compliments and of warm sentiment.

Nice. NO. MORE. NICE. If I were to choose one thing that I wish my wonderful party did different, it is that they were not always so bloody NICE,

Niceties. We even saw them in the Vance/Walz debate. Such warmth they showed toward each other! So much nice. Please understand I am criticizing nobody. Tim Walz still won that debate and won it handily. But sometimes winning debates does not a presidential winner make. John Kerry is proof of THAT. John Kerry was nice too.

“When they go low we go high.” I love Michelle Obama. I do. But I do not want to go high. I do not want to play nice. Over and over and over again, the nicety-go-round goes. Where it stops? How about right now? NO MORE MR NICE GUY (OR GIRL.)

It is insane to always have to to so damn NICE. I don;t feel nice today. my friends. I feel a bit bitter, stained with the inky smears of the wrong candidate winning. Now — had we NOT been so NICE, would we have won?

This writer is not prepared to say yes on THAT one. But you know what? I’d have liked to be a wee bit more ferocious . I’d have liked for JD Vance to have been torn verbally limb for limb. I’d have liked the American people to SEE him.

Walz was clearly told to be NICE so he was. I do not blame him nor Kamala. But we l must stop being so NICE. . We can no longer afford to be magnanimous. We do not have to turn into Trump-bots, alive with hate and ramped up with evil. But we can be honest — brutally so – in a not-so-nice way. We have to. We need to. No more Nice.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Click Here