Nice try, Lindsey Graham!

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I’d like to offer congratulations to the GOP. Why? Because they have finally come out with one campaign promise. That’s right. After essentially having no platform and no new ideas — one Republican has just added an idea to the GOP platform. That would be Senator Lindsey Graham.

It’s about time, Republicans! So what is this mystical new campaign promise owned and promised by Mr. Graham? Well — if elected back into power, the GOP, according to Graham, will look at yanking away Medicare and Social Security for the American people!

And why not? The GOP, after all, has proven there is no red line they won’t cross, no wicked promise they will not make, no destructive action they will not take. So why not look at throwing people to the wolves, metaphorically speaking?

Graham has promised that if the GOP retakes power, they will immediately start looking at cutting these vitally important benefits. And Lindsey has said he doesn’t want this country to “become Greece.” These profound and brilliant words (sarcasm) will no doubt be snatched up to be played in many a Democratic campaign ad.

We know the GOP hates the fact that people have — well — anything. They take away; they don’t give. And they hate poor people and do not think they’re worthy of anything. The GOP’s friends are the top one-percent — as long as they’re white, male, and straight.

So thank you, Lindsey Graham, for saying the quiet part out loud — and reminding the American people that you — and your GOP cronies — truly do not give a damn about the hard-working people in this country. The people that hopefully will remember your words on election day.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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