Trump-Russia money trail blown wide open

The money trail ended up being so pivotal in unraveling the Watergate scandal, few people even remember that “Follow the money” was only a line from the subsequent movie, and no one investigating the scandal is known to have actually spoken those words. Similarly, the money trail is crucial to exposing Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. Robert Mueller is already aggressively pursuing the money laundering between Trump and Russia. Now a new kind of Trump-Russia money trail has emerged.
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak had so many meetings with so many of Trump’s top campaign people during the election, it’s become clear that he was the Kremlin’s point person in the election rigging conspiracy. Now it turns out the Kremlin wired Kislyak a six figure payment just days after Trump illegitimately won the election as some kind of performance bonus, according to a new BuzzFeed report (link). The Kremlin also sent similar payments to entities such as a small home improvement company in Washington DC, in what appears to have been nothing more than a front for paying off the company’s owner, a Russian immigrant.
This is the most solid proof to date that the Kremlin was wiring people money for the roles they were playing in rigging the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. If Russia was reckless enough to wire the money to its own Ambassador through a U.S. bank where it was bound to be flagged by the Feds, it suggests that these payoffs were not particularly well shrouded in general. And if Russia was willing to pay off private individuals in the U.S. for what appear to have been election-related reasons based on the timing, it hints that Russia may have been wiring cash payments to its agents within the Trump campaign as well.
This gives Robert Mueller a whole new avenue for proving that Russia and the Donald Trump campaign were actively conspiring to rig the election in illegal fashion. All he has to do is look at the financial records of Trump’s most suspicious-acting campaign advisers, particularly just after the election, to see who received a Kremlin payday. Follow the money.