Hell freezes over: Mitt Romney is marching on the White House with Black Lives Matter protesters

Whatever you think of Mitt Romney’s overall lackluster political career, he’s the one Republican Senator who had the guts to vote to convict and remove Donald Trump earlier this year, so he’s the only one we’re willing to listen to at this point. Now Romney is trying to redeem himself in a new and different way.
Mitt Romney is currently marching with a self-identified Christian group of Black Lives Matter protesters in the streets of Washington DC, and they’re headed toward the White House, according to Washington Post reporter Hannah Natanson. In a brief video, Romney said that he’s marching to “end violence and brutality, and to make sure that people understand that Black Lives Matter.”
It’s not clear what Romney and his group will do once they reach the White House. But this is a remarkable development. Donald Trump has spent significant time insisting that the protesters in Washington DC are violent thugs, and he’s been hiding in an underground bunker to get away from them. Meanwhile a Republican Senator is out there marching with the protesters. This comes hours after Colin Powell, another famous Republican, endorsed Joe Biden.