Merrick Garland is having a busy week

Did you happen to hear Department of Justice’s head Merrick Garland pointedly say he’d be watching the January 6 hearings, as would his prosecutors? In all these months, my faith in AG Garland has not wavered. I have no doubt that if there is a case to be made against Trump, Merrick Garland will make it.
The doubters — the people who have lost confidence in Garland – are, of course, entitled to their opinions. But what disturbs me is the small percentage of people who seem to enjoy actively hating on the AG.
Being ambivalent is not the same thing as hating. And certainly, people are entitled to their opinions, ambivalence, and cynicism, however, one wants to feel. But the people who try to tell OTHERS how to feel — to lash out at people who believe in Garland — bother me.
We all form pictures of people based on our limited information about them. For example, many — most — of us assigned to Robert Mueller characteristics he did not have. I believe we did this because we needed him at that moment in time.
We were all in an abusive relationship with a psycho, and we looked to Mueller to do the rescuing. And he toppled off his pedestal. He proved us wrong. By no means should we turn Garland or anyone into Superman — there are no perfect people. But some of the abuse that gets thrown his way is very disturbing.
“Coward” is the word I hear most often. This is a laughable insult as all someone would have to do look at the man’s background. But nonetheless, coward is the word many choose — one of them. “A coward trembling in fear, hiding behind his desk.”
AG Garland is no coward. Anyone who has formed that picture is wrong. The picture is inauthentic. It is not true. It’s a false picture of a someone who doesn’t exist.
The real Garland is known to be a strong and courageous man who loves this country. I highly doubt he fears anybody, certainly not a baby like Trump. It is my hope that, in time, a new picture — an fresh and authentic one can come to replace the imitation so many have.
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