Matt Gaetz’s day of reckoning

Back in June, federal prosecutors let it be known to ABC News that they were looking to criminally indict Matt Gaetz in July. They haven’t leaked anything to the contrary since, suggesting that nothing has changed in that regard. This would point to Gaetz being indicted and arrested sometime this week. So is it really going to happen?

The one piece of news we’ve gotten of late about the Matt Gaetz case is about his associate Joel Greenberg. This is guy who committed a number of heinous crimes, but was seen as such a valuable witness, the majority of the charges against him were dropped in exchange for his cooperation.

Greenberg recently asked for a delay in his sentencing hearing so he could get credit for the results of his cooperation, and prosecutors agreed. This suggests that Greenberg has indeed turned out to be a highly useful witness, and that prosecutors are indeed bringing major criminal cases based on his cooperation. And of course the biggest fish under criminal investigation in Greenberg’s circle is Matt Gaetz.

So we’ll see what happens this week. The kicker is that if Matt Gaetz’s indictment has been pushed back from its July timeframe, the most likely reason would be that Greenberg’s cooperation was so useful, prosecutors needed more time to craft even more criminal charges against Gaetz. So a delay probably wouldn’t work out in Gaetz’s favor. But unless prosecutors sing a different tune this week, Matt Gaetz could well be in handcuffs before this week is over. Stay tuned.

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