Matt Gaetz goes berserk after House Ethics Committee decides to release its report about him

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After Matt Gaetz resigned from the House, removed himself from contention for Attorney General, and announced he wouldn’t ever seek to return to Congress, the Republican-controlled House Ethics Committee voted not to release its report about him. At the time it appeared the Republicans were content to simply keep the report in their pocket and only use the threat of releasing it to keep Gaetz from returning to Republican politics.

But now it’s being widely reported that the House Ethics Committee has changed its mind and voted to release the report after all. It’s not clear what changed or why. But it does appear that something has changed behind the scenes, prompting one or more Republicans on the committee to decide to go ahead and take their shot at Gaetz.

Suffice it to say that Matt Gaetz is unhappy with the news. He posted a Twitter meltdown claiming he was “FULLY EXONERATED” by the DOJ. But in reality he simply wasn’t charged, after various media reports about alleged problems with the witnesses against him.

Gaetz ended his rant with this surreal passage: “In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated – even some I never dated but who asked. I dated several of these women for years. I NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18. Any claim that I have would be destroyed in court – which is why no such claim was ever made in court. My 30โ€™s were an era of working very hard – and playing hard too. Itโ€™s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now. But at least I didnโ€™t vote for CRโ€™s that fuck over the country!”

Well okay then. Whatever that’s supposed to mean. The report itself is set to be released later this month, so we’ll see where that goes, and what’s in it. Then perhaps later we’ll find out what changed behind the scenes to motivate the Republicans on the House Ethics Committee to go ahead and release the Gaetz report.

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