MAGA descends into panicked hysteria

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

There is an illusion going on as we speak. It is a colorful and vivid illusion, but it is an illusion nonetheless. The magicians at the heart of this smoke and mirrors trick are strangers to humanity. They are not, however, strangers to mythical fables of complete dishonesty.

This illusion hopes to use the power of magic to make people believe in its power. This is the illusion of Maga bullshit. So far, the illusion has achieved modest success, but most Americans have retained their clear-headedness and have not fallen into the spell of brainless hypnosis.

Except for a few. And right now — those few are losing their trance-like marbles big-time. Why? Because President Biden is going to nominate — gasp of horror — a woman of color. All over the sphere of social media, an anguished Maga meltdown is going on.

The Fox non-news pundits seem to be the most enraged. It isn’t just on social media. The carnival barkers are literally screeching from their snugly racist television chairs as they shriek about the unfairness of it all.

Hannity and Tucker in particular appear to have descended into madness over this. But there isn’t anything they can do. Not that they’re not trying. And you should see some of the objections.

Some have actually come out and said President Biden should be impeached for this. I kid you not. All over, earnest Maga cult members are talking about how only the most qualified person should get the job. And they literally seem to have no idea how racist they sound –none.

As if a woman of color couldn’t be brilliant. As if President Biden isn’t about to make history — in the purest, most magnificent way. I find their meltdowns hysterical, and you should too. Their utter and complete hysteria in trying to find a talking point is so amusing it’s enough to inspire laughter — and has, at least for me.

The fact is ALL of the people that Biden appears to be considering could run circles around any Fox pundit when it comes to intelligence. Biden’s about to make history — just like he did with the selection of Kamala Harris as his VP. And there isn’t one damn thing the GOP — and especially Fox — can do about it.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.