“Low IQ con man”

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Bitcoin is Donnie Little Hand’s newest obsession, and on Saturday, he gave a speech at a Bitcoin conference. And people fell asleep. “Like watching paint dry.” Apparently, Donald Trump put his audience in a trance—a very sleepy, otherworldly trance—as the Hannibal Lecter aficionado rambled on uselessly.

“Hurting my brain.” That’s what one of the audience members had to say, adding that Trump was; “embarrassing” to listen to. Electricity was also on the traitor’s mind, and being that was the case, Trump began talking to his audience about being electrocuted, boring them senseless in a rambling diatribe that went nowhere except off a cliff as his audience watched in disbelief.

Another person said Trump’s speech tanked the price of Bitcoin. After Trump’s speech, she explained, the numbers tanked. This isn’t too surprising.

Actually it isn’t surprising at all that a shark and electricity -obsessed rambling moron would succeed in boring the crap out of anyone around him. Perhaps Bitcoin itself was bored silly. Then there’s another audience member, Mike Doan. Doan declared he’d actually fallen asleep during the speech.

Yet another audience member said ruefully, “I don’t think Trump’s speech will find him a lot of new voters among Bit-Coiners.”

“Low IQ conman.”

“It was my first time watching him speak live.”

“He sounds like a low IQ conman to me.”

Congratulations, audience member! You’ve figured it out! He IS a low-IQ conman. This is the face of the GOP: a low-IQ conman, brain-torturing, orange lipstick on a pig who succeeded in boring his audience to the point of absurdity. I guess that is one thing Donald Trump does well—he bores people.

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