Looks like Donald Trump missed the memo

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Bars. Orange Jumpsuits. And guards. That’s what awaits Donald Trump. His fate is a whisper away from happening. That may be why Donald Trump is losing his mind. Going, going, GONE…..

Trump is currently being laughed at all over the internet. I mean — this is nothing new for Donnie do-nothing. But this laughter has a new mocking tone. That is because Trump said something so deranged, so utterly lacking in sanity, it seems EVERYONE is mocking him for it.

As you know, President Biden has dropped out of the presidential race. He said he’d address the nation Wednesday night.

This appears to disturb the one remaining brain cell in Donald Trump’s mind because Trump is demanding EQUAL TIME. Trump lashed out at the networks (all of them), insisting he must be offered the same amount of time to talk as Biden gets — which makes no sense.

Many pointed out that Trump could have that equal time — if he plans to drop out of the race, which is what Biden’s address to the nation is all about.

“Did he miss the memo?” Peter Maher, a former correspondent for the White House, said, “He (Trump) is no longer running against Biden.”

“What a baby.” This comment hits the nail on the head. Trump is a toddler—a real-life toddler who never grew up, a baby in a man’s body, a tiny brat who, like many other tiny brats, launches into dramatic temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

As brats are wont to do, he also gets jealous if eyes are off him for a minute. It seems incredible that Trump could be JEALOUS about Biden’s farewell speech, but that is exactly what’s happening.

So what’s the cure? There isn’t any. One can hold most babies, rock them to sleep, and give them a baby’s bottle. But with Trump, everything is different. He’s not only a little brat, screeching in rage, red-faced, grumpy, and cantankerous, but he’s also a selfish brat, a bad seed of the highest order.

No baby bottles for him, no soothing words; this is one teeny tiny itty bitty, crying, whining, howling, tantrum-throwing spoiled brat who cannot handle being ignored for even one minute.

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