Look in the mirror Beavis

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We thought we’d heard it all from Donald Trump, didn’t we? Trump couldn’t top himself, we thought. We’ve heard it all! But somehow, some way Donald Trump came out with a statement that is so lopsided, so tone deaf, so utterly idiotic that this writer is forced to say:

We HADN’T heard it all from Donald Trump. On Sunday, Donald Trump launched a fresh new line of attack on (soon be President) Kamala Harris. This attack was centered around Mike Pence. You remember him don’t you? Trump’s former VP who MAGA wanted to hang?

However, Trump, on Sunday, insisted that Kamala Harris had treated former VP Pence terribly. Please — a moment of silence as we reflect on orange idiots. “She’s a nasty person. The way she treated Mike Pence was horrible.”

Trump made it clear he was referring to the debate between Harris and Pence. He was explicitly focused on the line where Harris said: “Mr. Vice President I’m speaking.”

Trump appeared furious at Harris, saying that her comment was unkind to Pence and that she shouldn’t have said it. Hmm. Which of the following actions do YOU think reflect the poor treatment of Mike Pence? Politely telling Pence not to interrupt

Not stopping the violence during a January 6 insurrection where J-6 criminals erected gallows because they wanted to see Mike Pence hanged. Suppose you answered number two, congratulations! You are a human being. Donald Trump however is not. Trump looks human (sometimes—only sometimes), but he misses that one thing that makes everyone human.

That thing is a soul. I do not know if Trump was born this way or if, as a boy, little Donald could think and feel like the rest of us. I do know, however, that the projection here is so strong one could cut it with a steak knife. I am going to guess here. I assume that Trump did not call Pence immediately after the insurrection to inquire how he felt.

The truth of the matter is that this particular statement from Donald Trump may go down in history as being one of the worst of his statements, and THAT is sure saying something. As much as I despise Donald Trump, one must also view him as one would view an alien from outer space, an outlier in the “human” category.

Trump has no idea what empathy, sympathy, or love is. He puts nobody before himself. There is NOT ONE PERSON Trump would move mountains to help—what a sad, sad, pathetic, lonely, miserable life he leads.

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