Kyrsten Sinema crashes and burns

The stage was set, and the performer was in place. The actress stepped forward to the microphone. All eyes were upon her, as the actress well knew. And she was ready to give the performance of her life. Amid the hot lights of the Senate floor, she assumed a mask of solemnity.
She even managed a few tears. And she spoke with theatrical passion about why she couldn’t support the right of everyone to vote. Of course, she didn’t frame it that way. She talked about unity. She talked about bipartisanship.
She even tried to blame her own party at one point. The actress is nothing if not thorough. So looking concerned and worried, as she performed, breathlessly infusing her character arc with tearful artifice. And when it was over, it was really over. Kyrsten Sinema is not feeling the love right now. In fact, the fury is all around her.
People are calling her a sellout. There are murmurs about primarying her. The anger is palpable. I understand that anger. And whatever her motivation, you don’t have to like Sinema. But I still feel that we can’t give up on her.
Many feel as I do. Anger and harsh words won’t work. They will only serve to alienate the Arizona Senator further. I believe we still have a chance. I will always be optimistic. So, let’s not throw on the towel. I know how angry many are at Sinema. I am too. But we have faced bigger, and scarier hurtles than Sinema. Let’s continue our efforts to get voting legislation passed.