Kamala Harris praises Joe Biden, rips Donald Trump to pieces in first speech as presumptive Democratic nominee for president

Kamala Harris is giving an in-person speech at Biden-Harris 2024 (now Harris 2024) campaign headquarters. The speech is being televised, and so it’s her first major public appearance since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee for President.
Kamala Harris went out of her way to heap praise on President Joe Biden, who joined the event by phone. Harris made clear that she will use her presidency to continue and expand upon what she and Biden have accomplished these past four years.
Harris also made a point of ripping Donald Trump to pieces. Harris laid out her own legal history of taking down criminals, sexual assaulters, and fraudsters, and then added “I know Donald Trump’s type.”
Kamala Harris sounded confident, relaxed, happy, and presidential during her speech, even as she said that “Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.” This is going to be a fierce election, but it’s one that we here at Palmer Report intend to win. Donate $25 to Palmer Report