Kamala Harris masterfully handled a dumpster fire of a CNN Dana Bash interview – and came out way on top

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz sat down with CNN for their first big formal interview, and it prompted everyone to ask the same question: Why CNN? The network has turned into tabloid sleaze and no one watches it anymore anyway. Sure enough, Dana Bash turned in one of the most intentionally bad interview performances of all time, as she simply asked Harris and Walz about one dishonest MAGA talking point after another, and often asked the same question three or four times in a row after it had already been answered.
But here’s the thing: that was the point. CNN is the same outfit that hosted the Biden-Trump debate and intentionally made sure the whole thing was a disjointed pile of crap so they could make Biden look bad. CNN may not have many viewers left, but it still has the name brand clout to dishonestly destroy a candidacy. And so Kamala Harris decided to give CNN a gift: she’d give the failing network her first big interview.
Kamala knew that all she had to do was calmly and confidently overcome every half witted sucker punch that Dana Bash would try to throw at her, and Kamala would come out of it looking good. Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. Kamala just proved to everyone watching that she can handle tough questions and even dishonest questions in stride.
Just as importantly, Kamala just threw the kind of lifeline to CNN that’ll keep the network from being quite so eager to try to sabotage her candidacy down the stretch. What’s CNN going to do now, argue that Kamala is dodging the media and the tough questions? Everyone just saw Kamala go on CNN and own CNN.
What you’re seeing from Kamala Harris an extraordinary savvy strategy. It wouldn’t have occurred to you or me to give our first interview to a failing and dishonest CNN. But that’s why Kamala is going to be President and we’re not. Kamala just got CNN off her back for the next seventy day, and she made herself look tough and smart and great in the process.