Just look at these numbers…

Something magnificent is sweeping the country. All over, we are seeing it. It’s waves. Beautiful dancing waves. It’s a sea of waves filled with — voters — lots of voters. As USA Today puts it: “Recent spikes in voter registration are shaking up the already contentious 2024 presidential race, with hundreds of thousands of new voters now signed up.”
It’s a beautiful sight as we watch the waves of voters reach a crescendo. North Carolina , soon-to-be blue state. They now have an HALF A MILLION more voters than they did in 2020. Sea of waves. Arizona has over of 120,000 more voters than 2020. Sea of waves. LOOK at Michigan! The newly registered voters are over 350,000. Sea of waves. Many of these voters, it’s being reported, are young voters who reached their eighteen birthdays. Sea of Waves.
I somehow doubt these new voters are rushing to sign up to vote for Felon Trump, wouldn’t you agree? Now, our job is to get ALL these voters out to actually vote. As you know well, friends and readers, it’s all about turnout. It’s all about the sea of waves. If we can do this successfully — operate the biggest, the best, and the most gigantic voter turnout in history — then yes, yes, yes! The waves will be up, up up, and the GOP will be up and AWAY as we CREAM them, with voter after voter after voter.
To that end, Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our editorial and research staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate whatever you can to this effort. Our future and our way of life depend on it.