Donald Trump Jr melts down as it all goes wrong for him

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You’re Donald Trump Junior. You’re earmarked for prison unless your father can figure out how to mount a comeback in an election that takes place in two weeks and that he’s currently losing by double digits. Your father has senile person Rudy Giuliani plant an obviously false story about your father’s opponent’s son, and it gets laughed off the internet. What do you do now?

You melt down, of course. Donald Trump Junior has never met a wacky far right conspiracy theory he didn’t like, and now he’s decided that Twitter itself is conspiring against him. He posted this tweet: “Twitter has been throttling my reach and Iโ€™m getting 1/3 the amount of RTs I would normally get. Instagram is doing the same & worse for the last few days. I guess they donโ€™t want the truth about the Biden crime family out there and they will cover for them at all costs.”

The kicker is that Donald Trump Junior’s supposedly “throttled” tweet got more than 53,000 likes, making clear that he’s getting plenty of reach, and thus disproving the premise of his tweet. This guy is falling apart even more quickly than his father is.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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