Donald Trump Jr’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle has coronavirus, and it’s closing in on Donald Trump

Donald Trump, his administration, his campaign, and his family keep trying to insist that the coronavirus is somehow over with, or that we’re past the worst of it. Meanwhile back in the real world, the virus is more out of control than ever, with cases now on the rise in most states, and several regions in fully blown crisis mode. Now the virus has hit home.
This evening the New York Times is reporting that Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr, has tested positive for coronavirus. Notably, she tested positive after traveling to South Dakota for Donald Trump’s idiotic Fourth of July event, which consisted of optional masks and no social distancing.
It’s not yet clear if Donald Trump Jr has coronavirus, as asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic people can initially test negative when they’re positive. It’s also unclear if Guilfoyle has come into contact with Donald Trump since she contracted the virus. But it is clear that the virus is creeping closer to Donald Trump in real time.
We wouldn’t wish the coronavirus on anyone, and we wish Guilfoyle the best in her recovery. Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr belong in prison, and they’ll end up there eventually, but we’re not going to root for them to contract a deadly virus. That said, it’s not surprising that Donald Trump’s reckless, negligent, and dishonest handling of the coronavirus crisis is now putting his health and his family’s health in danger. It was only a matter of time.