John Doe 174

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After Jeffrey Epstein died in August of 2019, I wrote a Palmer Report piece for which I took a lot of heat. I dared to insist that Epsteinโ€™s death was exactly what the official autopsy claimed it was: a suicide. I noted at the time that no evidence would ever come to light supporting the conclusion he was murdered, and none ever has. Plenty of innuendo and speculation since has been heaped on the furious bonfire of idle conjecture, but not one single scintilla of evidence has ever been found, not one, that Epstein was murdered. And I believe none ever will be. I have stood by that conclusion ever since.

Another reason I had no patience for the idea that Epstein was murdered was because, as far as filthy and guilty Epstein associates like Trump are concerned, Epstein was more valuable to them above ground than beneath it. That perception has been borne out by recent events, when a federal judge unsealed thousands of pages of court documents in a Jeffrey Epstein-linked lawsuit, and Epstein wasnโ€™t around to fight it. He was, inconveniently for those individuals covered in slime, dead. Had Epstein still been alive, we might have never found out about, ahem, the unsealed documentโ€™s superstar subject, John Doe 174.

Who is John Doe 174, you ask? Why, he is none other than Donald J Trump, and wow is he ever implicated in the life and parties of one Jeffrey Epstein. Thereโ€™s just one problem: much of what Trump did and who he did it to remains redacted. So we are going to have to wait to find out what the details are.

But the very idea that a man who is a felon convicted on 34 criminal counts, a man who has been adjudicated a rapist in a court of law, a man who once, with the stupider of two stultifyingly stupid sons, contrived to commit the ultimate cartoon villainy of ripping off a childrenโ€™s cancer charity, a man who presided over a pandemic that resulted in the unnecessary deaths of most of a million Americans, a man who admires every dictator from Adolf Hitler to Vladimir Putin, and now a man who chummed around with a notorious paedophile like Jeffrey Epstein, is being even remotely considered for a return to the job of president of the United States is too preposterous to contemplate. And yet, here we are.

Meanwhile we have well-meaning but decidedly misguided actors like George Clooney writing editorials in the New York Times (where else?), categorically proclaiming that President Biden must step down because we cannot win with a fine man with his fine record against a monster like Trump. (By the way, if you want an amusing tour de force of Mr Clooneyโ€™s political forecasting talents, go to YouTube and type in the search criteria, โ€œThereโ€™s not going to be a president Donald Trump.โ€ Those are the words he uttered, with the weary arrogance of a man stating the obvious, in May of 2016.)

No, Iโ€™m with representative Ted Lieu, who had been falsely quoted calling for Biden to step down, and who said that Trumpโ€™s involvement with Epstein is yet another reason why Donald Trump is โ€œunfit for officeโ€ and that HE, Trump, should step down. Thatโ€™s right, Trump should step down, not Biden. Trump is the one unfit for office, not Biden. I hope everyone is clear on that?

Hereโ€™s what I think is going to happen on November 5th. I think Americans are going to go to the polls and vote for another four year term for Joe Biden. I think Americans remember when they had to wake up every morning for four years worrying about what the moron in the Oval Office tweeted last night. I think Americans are sick to their hearts that a monster like Trump engineered a giant backward step for women and autonomy over their own bodies. I think they are going to vote against a man who promotes hate, promises mass arrests and mass incarcerations. I think they are going to vote for a man who has quietly and effectively gotten on with the job of president, the man who has presided over the lowest unemployment and best economy in the world.

Thatโ€™s what I think. In fact, I think November 5th, 2024, is going to be our finest hour, and we are going to win another four years of Joseph Robinette Biden as President of the United States. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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